Yesterday I went on a 23 mile run up along the Logan River Trail and to the top of Wind Caves. Very cool run, but I had a once in a lifetime experience on the way back. I was flying down the single track just coming into Spring Hollow campground and came around a corner and all of a sudden there was this big black thing in my way. Turns out it was a moose. As soon as I realized what it was I instantly froze and my dad's story of being chased by a very angry post-partum momma moose started racing through my head. This one I think was a young male, and was very much more relaxed. He just stared at me while chewing his leaves for about 5 minutes. Then he did the darndest thing: He walked right up to me. I could have reached out and popped him in the nose if I would have been stupid enough to. It took me a little while to get past him, and as soon as I did he waltzed right back in front of me and up the trail where I was going. I had no choice but to follow at a respectful distance. Eventually he finally left the trail and I was able to continue my run. Anyway, just another crazy experience while out running. Once in a lifetime most likely, and yet another reason why I love running.
Here is a picture of a moose similar to the one I encountered: